RAID: World War II Wiki
Forest Convoy
Forest Convoy
  • Loot the trucks for gold
  • Find a transport
  • Make your way to the boat man and escape

Forest Convoy is an outlaw raid in RAID : WWII. An outlaw raid is not sanctioned by Mrs White or Control and focuses on gathering gold to line the pockets of the commandos.

Briefing[ | ]

The intel you found revealed that an enterprising German officer is using a regular supply convoy to smuggle gold out of the country. You've arranged for the Resistance to block the route with a stolen train. All you need to do is find the gold and escape in the confusion.

This is an Outlaw RAID, unsanctioned by Mrs. White or Control. Any gold you can liberate' will be yours to keep.

Intel[ | ]

Objectives[ | ]

  • You start in a train car, together with the rest of the gang. The enemy already knows you're here, so pack big guns.
  • It's best to split up your team. Three go hunting for gold, one goes to secure the truck and drive it over by the freight train. Ideally, the bed should be positioned so that you can just chuck the gold bar through the train car into it. Failing that, the driver should catch the gold and pack it into the truck.
  • The gold is inside the supply trucks, which can be destroyed by bullets from either Nazis or players that hit the fuel tanks, or by a bombing run that will begin ~30 seconds after the raid's start. Destroyed trucks that contained unlooted gold will destroy some of the gold, but spawn one or two bars around them to ensure the raid can still be completed. Quick looting is imperative to get the most gold possible.
  • There should be around ~20-30 gold bars and ~2-5 gold crates to find. The chances highly depend on wether a bombing run is scheduled to happen or not.
  • After taking the gold out of the trucks and securing them in the cargo truck, you and your team must drive the way out. This however will not be easy, as Nazis will guard the road above rocks to halt your escape and come in numbers. Make sure to keep the truck at a great condition and repair it when needed.
  • There are up to three checkpoints on the road. Use your mates to open them. It is possible for supply trucks to spawn on the road, and these can even contain extra gold. At the end of the road the landing craft awaits. Depending on whether it spawns to the right or the left, your approach differs.
    • If it spawns on the left, park the truck so that it provides cover, then unload the truck, chucking gold towards the boat. One guy packs it onto the boat. Everyone shoots the throngs of Nazis.
    • If it spawns on the right, you can squeeze the truck along the rocks to the left and drive down to the beach, reducing the travel and packing time substantially.
  • There are mines placed on the road and approaching the boat. They appear as small mounds of dirt that look out of place. They can deal great a sum of damage to players (50) or the truck, but shooting them can detonate them, if you don't have enough ammo you can disarm them safely by approaching on foot with an interaction.
  • Once you're in the end of the stage, you must carry the gold out of the cargo truck and bring it to the escape boat.
  • all the gold you gathered to the boat and escape.

Trivia[ | ]

  • Forest Convoy is by far the most rewarding outlaw raid, rewarding around ~144-156 gold bars if players manage to secure a great amount of loot. Operations remain also as another great source of income if most dog tags are secured.